Pro, 2:6-9. 2 chro 10:8.
  • 1. The strength or the weakness of any church is the direct result of it's leaders.
  • 2, whatever you are inside is what you reproduce.
  • 3, the extent of your influence depends on the depth of your concern for others.
  • 4, people who blame others for their failures or mistakes never overcome them.
  • 5, you cannot be a truly effective leader unless you love people.
  • 6, leaders are meant to help others become the people God created them to be.
  • 7, when leaders don't listen,they stop gaining wisdom.
  • 8, the greatest missing ingredients in Christian leaders today is credibility.
  • 9, the key to how you treat people lies in how you think about them.
  • 10, it's a matter of attitude, what you believe is revealed by how you act.
  • 11, successful leaders recognize their errors, learn from them and then work to correct their faults.
  • 12, A leader who is willing to take responsibility for their actions and be honest or transparent with their people is someone they will admire, respect and trust.
  • 13, you can tell a lot about which direction your life is heading by looking at the people with whom you have chosen to spend your time and share your ideas.
  • 14, a leader without courage will never let go of the familiar.
  • 15, How a leader deals with the circumstances of life tells you a lot about their character.
  • 16, crisis doesn't necessarily make character, but it certainly does reveal it.
  • 17, when people think about you, do they say to themselves my life is better because of that person.
  • 18, to succeed personally, you must try to help others.
  • 19, Who have helped you to become more successful as a leader? How have you helped and rewarded them.
  • 20, No matter how much work you can do, no matter how engaging your personality may be, you will not advance far in destiny if you cannot work through others.
  • 21, instead of focusing on weakness, give your attention to people's strengths.
  • 22, it's not about position, but production. It is not the education we get, but the empowerment we give, that makes a difference to others.
  • 23, Anytime you break a moral principles, you create a small crack in the foundation of your integrity.
  • 24, one of the greatest gifts leaders can give to those around them is hope.
  • 25, if you start with the right people, you won't have problems later on.
  • 26, when leaders lead their own lives well, others naturally want to follow.
  • 27, unless God remains at the center of your efforts you labor in vain.
  • 28, it is better to be hurt with the truth than to be loved with lies.


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