An Eyeball Grows Back In South America
Miracle accounts are on the increase in South America where the charismatic church is growing rapidly. When American student Alex Humphrey went on a mission trip to Peru with his home church, a colleague prayed that they would see an eyeball grow into someone’s head. The following morning they prayed for a man who had lost an eyeball in a childhood accident. ‘At the end of our prayer, I felt something move underneath my hand,’ recalls Humphrey. ‘His previously scarred shut eye was open and underneath I could see the white of an eyeball. By the time we left church he had two functioning eyeballs where once there was only one.’
Deafness Healed In Africa
A revival is taking place among the Makua tribe in Mozambique. Hundreds of deaf people are being healed, according to evangelist Heidi Baker. A healing from deafness rate of almost 100% over the last ten years has led to over 2,700 churches being planted. Baker believes that the physical healings are a sign of the spiritual ears of the Makua people being opened to the gospel. ‘In a village everyone knows who is deaf, so the miracle cannot be denied. Not only does that person come to Jesus, but so do a huge number of people in the village.’
Miracles Among Muslims In The Middle East
Muslims are responding to Christ after experiencing healing according to David John, an evangelist in the Middle East. His team recently saw healings among staff at a local restaurant. Hearing of the miracles, the astounded restaurant manager was himself healed of pain in his neck and shoulder after John received a ‘word of knowledge’. They are careful to try to keep their healing work low key for fear of reprisal, especially when people convert to Christianity.
Divine Encounters In India
Jesus is miraculously revealing himself to Hindu people on a daily basis according to Ravi, an Indian evangelist. On one occasion he went searching for a man in an orange robe with a white beard and turban, having received a word of knowledge. He met just such a man who turned out to be a high-ranking Hindu maharishi who had also dreamed that he would meet Ravi. The guru gave his life to Christ that same day and has gone on to preach the gospel to his followers. The dramatic encounter is captured on the documentary film Father of Lights. (Wanderlust Media).
Raised From The Dead In East Asia
The Far East offers numerous miracle accounts, including people being raised from the dead. Elaine Panelo was living in the Philippines when she was diagnosed with cancer. She was admitted to hospital and was eventually pronounced dead. Later, in the mortuary, a Baptist pastor prayed over her, and was shocked to see the white sheet that covered her was moving. ‘You’re alive,’ the pastor told her. ‘You were dead for almost two hours.’ A later medical check confirmed that her cancer had also disappeared. A Filipino doctor and her husband who had diagnosed Elaine when she was ill were converted through her testimony. 


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