
Showing posts from October, 2017


I dreamed I had an INTERVIEW WITH GOD. "So, you would like to interview me?" GOD asked. "If you have time," I said. GOD smile. "My time is eternity... what questions do you have in mind for me?" "What surprises you the most about humankind?" GOD answered... "That they get bored with childhood, that they rush to grow up, and then long to be children again." "That they lose their health to make money... and then lose their money to restore their health." "That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live in neither the present nor the future." "That they live as if they would never die, and die as though they had never lived." GOD's hand took mine... and we were silent for a while. And then I asked, "As a parent, what are some of life's lessons you want your children to learn?" GOD replied, "To ...

Stunning Discoveries Have Scientists Confirming the Existence of God

There is scientific evidence supporting the universe was created by an intelligence — and, for the first time, science has proof that the universe was created out of nothing. By   Vandita  - Romans 1:20   ESV  f or his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Can science — which approves reason and evidence, and denounces faith and religion — really prove or disprove the existence of God? Can highly respected scientists — long perceived as the champions of atheism — change their mind? Can the creator of universe be caught on video? Well, there is scientific evidence that the universe was created by an intelligence — and, for the first time, science has proof that the universe was created out of nothing. In 2004, English philosopher and the world’s most famous atheist Antony...


Proverb 2:19 There are things you can do on earth and reverse them, There are places you can go now you can come back later There are people you are seing now you will still meet later Prisoner may still come back home after many years The car you bought can be sold The cloth you bought can be sold You can pack,out from the flat you rented You can resign from the job you accepted BUT....... ANYONE THAT GOES TO HELL AFTER DEATH CAN'T COME BACK AGAIN NO AMOUNT OF PRAYER CAN SAVE THEM NO AMOUNT OF PLEAD CAN HELP CALLING THE NAME OF JESUS IN HELL IS A WASTE OF TIME THEIR FAMILY CAN'T HELP THEM IT IS A POINT OF NO RETURN ............. CONFESSING OF SIN IN HELL IS A WASTE OF TIME THEIR OFFERING AND TITHE WONT HELP THEIR SERVICE FOR GOD ON EARTH WILL NOT COUNT YEARS OF LABOUR WILL BE IN VAIN EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT WILL BE A CURSE TITLES LIKE BISHOP OR G.O WILL ATTRACT MORE PUNISHMENT THOSE THAT BECAME CHORISTER, USHER, EVANGELIST WHO ENDED UP IN HEL...

Gbile Akanni . WE NEED REVIVAL!!!!

At a time when the church has become a ground for entertainment, we need revival. At a time when a music minister competes and compares himself with secular musician, we need revival. At a time when the altar of God is used for comedy, we need revival. At a time when a successful minister of the Gospel is measured by how rich he is and not how much impact he is making, we need  revival. At a time, when passion for souls have been replaced with fashion parade in the church, we need revival. At a time when motivational speaking has replaced biblical preaching, we need revival. At a time when you really cannot differentiate between a daughter of Zion and a harlot, we need revival. At a time when pastors kill each other for post and higher position, we need revival. At a time when modern preachers now tell us that Jesus is not coming soon, we need revival. At a time when packaging and special effect has replaced the beauty of God's glory, we need revival. At a time when se...